Saturday 17 November 2018

Bj Whizz The Youngest New Business Mogul In Nigeria

After the release of "Hot Hot" by Bj Whizz... He never relents till he attain his success, Bj whizz who is the CEO Of 6.0.6 Gang Records Makes great moves , Now 6.0.6 Gang Records Launches an Entertainment Tv Named "Entertainment Hood Tv"

As well accomplished as he wants to be, he want to help as many people as possible to make it to wherever the they want to be, And he launched a personal Logo for His Music "Street Music" And he says why I used it was his love for the street, and he voices what the street feels, here is the logo below...

And he has launched his wears to store outlet awaiting endorsement deals for the cloths, And you can also call for your orders to on 08180429920.... Here are images below

And Bj Whizz Who is also the CEO of 6.0.6 Gang Records

Has promised to continue to do more in the life of artist and entertainment in general..
Therefore, if you feel you need to do things different, They got you, and they are currently in Ogun State ,Ago iwoye , if you are an Artist , They got there studio in Ago iwoye right now, call them on 08180429920...

Search no more cause a business mogul is around...
Below is the picture of the CEO

And Many more of his Music Cover Art below... Be free to call for featuring on this number 08180429920 or 07060444248

Go online and download his fine tune...
And follow on Instagram @official_bjwhizz.

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